
FAQ's for Students

Will I be able to use the chromebook outside of school?

Students will be allowed to take the device home according to our distribution plan.

What should I do if I forget to charge my chromebook?

All chromebooks should be charged at home. If you forget to charge your chromebook, there will be designated charging stations at the school to be used on a first come, first served basis.  You should speak to your teacher regarding participation in class if your device is uncharged.

What should I do if I forget my chromebook at home?

You can borrow a Chromebook for the day from the library at your school, however, it must be returned at the end of the day (unless your Chromebook is with the help desk for a prolonged repair).

What should I do if I have a problem with my device?

You can visit the "Chromebook Resources" page to see if the problem can be self diagnosed and resolved. If you are not able to resolve the issue yourself, you should contact the Chromebook Help Desk through our online ticketing system at to report your issue. Loaner devices will be issued from the school for any help desk requests requiring prolonged repair times. 

Will my activities be monitored?

To help protect against harmful and inappropriate online material as required by the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Mansfield Public School will utilize content filtering and monitoring solutions both at school and at home.

Can I decorate my chromebook with stickers?

Beginning in the 2022-2023, stickers or decorative drawings are no longer allowed on chromebooks or cases.   

What do I do if my chromebook is stolen?

If your chromebook is stolen, you should report it to the Manfield Police Department as well as an administrator at your school.

Do I have to bring my chromebook to every class?

Yes, you should bring your Chromebook to every class unless instructed otherwise by your teacher.